SKKN Các dạng bài tập nâng cao kỹ năng viết luận tiếng Anh dành cho học sinh giỏi quốc gia

Từ những luận điểm trên, việc áp dụng các phương pháp dạy viết giúp học sinh thực hiện một bài viết Tiếng Anh tốt, đảm bảo chính xác về yêu cầu bài viết trong việc sử dụng từ vựng, ngữ pháp, tính logic, liên kết, tính sáng tạo trong bài viết là rất quan trọng.

Trong quá trình dạy và học chúng tôi nhận thấy: Kĩ năng viết là một trong những kỹ năng khó nhất trong các kĩ năng, đòi hỏi học sinh phải có vốn từ vựng, hiểu các cấu trúc ngữ pháp, các ý tưởng để lập dàn ý khi viết. Đặc biệt các em phải nắm được từng kiểu bài luận cần viết như thế nào. Kĩ năng viết giúp cho học sinh tái hiện lại nhữnggì đã được học, giúp các em thực hành sử dụng ngôn ngữ một cách hiệu quả. Kĩ năng viết phát huy khả năng sáng tạo của học sinh, nó phản ánh kết quả của quá trình nghe, nói, đọc, ngữ pháp, từ vựng của học sinh, thể hiện được mặt mạnh, mặt yếu, đồng thời nó cũng giúp cho giáo viên dễ dàng nhận thấy lỗi sai của học sinh hơn là khi nói. Hoạt động viết là một khâu rất quan trọng trong quá trình dạy và học Tiếng Anh. Viết luận là một phần không thể thiếu đối với học sinh chuyên Anh nói chung và học sinh đội tuyển học sinh giỏi quốc gia nói riêng vì trong các đề thi IELTS, hồ sơ đăng ký du học và đặc biệt là đề thi học sinh giỏi Quốc gia, viết luận là phần bắt buộc và được đánh giá cao. Tuy nhiên,trong quá trình học các em còn lúng túng, lẫn lộn, không biết mình phải viết kiểu gì, trình bày bài luận ra sao, dùng những cấu trúc câu nào cho hợp lí, sắp xếp ý định viết thế nào,phản biện các ýkiến ở đầu bài ra sao.

docx 37 trang SKKN Tiếng Anh 05/03/2025 60
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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: SKKN Các dạng bài tập nâng cao kỹ năng viết luận tiếng Anh dành cho học sinh giỏi quốc gia

SKKN Các dạng bài tập nâng cao kỹ năng viết luận tiếng Anh dành cho học sinh giỏi quốc gia
ng is valuable or wrong. Opinions wil also differ as to “learning “ benefits: no doubt teachers and factory owners, for example, would have varying concerns.
An important consideration is the kind of work undertaken. Young children doing arduous and repetitive tasks on a factory production line, for example, are less likely to be learrning than older children helping in an old people’s house. There are health and safety issues to be considered as well. It is an unfortunate fact that many employers may prefer to use the services of children simply to save money by pwying them less than adults and it is this type of exploitation that should be discouraged.
However, in many countries children work because their families need the adđitional income. No matter how small they are. This was certainly the case in the past in many industrialized countries, and it is very difficult to judge that it is wrong for children to day to contribute to the family income in thís way.
Nevertheless, in better economic circumstances, few parents would choose to send their children out to full-time paid work. If learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important , then children can acquire these by having light, part-time jobs or evev doing tasks such as helping their parents around the family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of value in children;s development.
 Bài tập 3 (285 words, with faulty grammatical and lexical control)
“Improvements in health. Education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree with thís opinion?
- In balacing the world economic growth, the underdevelopment of the Third World Nations have been drawn to the attention of the developed countries of the Western. Thus, government policies and interference in the agricultural business of the poorer countries were made to secure dominant source of the economy. Many discussions among economists and politicians alo put their focuss on the other aspects. That is , to improve their health, education and trade for the developing countries. However, the improvements cannot be made by these countries, but more external assistance and aids should be done.
Because of the shortage of food suuply, the people in poorer nations ( i.e Africa) are easily prone to diseases, hunger and death. When natural or environmental disasters happen, they are threatened with their life. Education can not de well developed as a result of frequent droughts, famines and disease spreading. The other countries, while emphasizing on the development of agriculture in the Third World, cannot really give the solution to the cyclical problems which have been existing for a long time.It is time to consider the consequences of the waste of efforts in trying to help the economic growth of the Third World and to think from the other perspectives. The richer countries have the power to rebuild the Third World by taking care of the essentials- health, education, and trade.
If the richer countries can ben more serous about the essential issues of how a nation develops, and well consider the special situatios and circumctances those pooerer countries are facing, the improvements will be more efficiently made. The governents of developed countries are , in some ways, responsible- though not obliged- for the future of thóe developing countries.
Bài tập 4 ( 255 words, with brief ideas and insufficient development)
“Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time.”
Do you agree or disagree?
- Today education has become a priority for many parents seeking to secire a good future for their children in this rapidly changing world. They beliebe that if their children apply themselves and word hard at school, then they will increase their opportunities for going to higher education and eventually getting a good job. Of course they are right, and as access to the best education, àd best jobs is their study time when they are young.
However, the parents who do not allow their children suficient free time for thei leisure activities outside school hours, are misguided. Such activities are farr from being a waste of time for the children simply because they are not academic. It is important to remeber that children need to developskills other than intellectual ones, and the best way to do this is through activities such as sports, games, and playing with other kids. If they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop their imagination? How can they learn physical co-ordination or learn important social lessons about winning and losing if they do not practice any sports? Many children form strong, personal relationships with the friends they play with, and without the opportunity to do this, they could grow up emotionally immature or unformed.
Finally, I think it is important to remember that children need to relax as well as work. If everyting they do must have some educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last things parents would want.
 Bài tập 5 (235 words)
“It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be.”
Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together.
Include any relevant examples from your experience.
The today’s family has changed a lot. Many parents are divorce, a lot of mothers and fathers have their job’s far away from home. The children are often alone and lonely but what are the reason for this happening?
First of all, I think that the modern technology is one of the main reasons for this problem. Many parents work in the nearest cities from their home. They work with computer in big offices and came home late at night. However they have no time to look after their children. 
In the past, families used to work “as a family”. Every member worked hard and helped the family survive, for example farmers. Furthermore, the education used to be controlled by the parents, not like today’s day-schools with teachers and professors. On the other hand, there must be a solution to bring saparated families together. At my point of view, families should spend their free time together. I am thinking about weekends or the time after work. Children need their parents even when they are older. To give a reasonable example: I often go out with my parents, mostly for a dinner. Then my brother and I speak about one future plans or something else. An intensive conversation is a possible solution. A similar way is to divide your job into half – part work times and spend your free time leftover with tour loved persons. A point against the statement is to have financial problems.
To sum up, I wish that every family is as close as possible with each other. 
Bài tập 6 (282 words)
“Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
- I believe that child-rearing should be the responsibility of both parents and that, whilst the role within that partnership may be different, they are nevertheless equal in importance. In some societies, it has been made easier over the years for single parents to raise children on their own.. However, this does not mean that the traditional family, with both parents providing emotional support and role-models for their children, is not the most satisfactary way of bringing up children.
Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we define “responsible for bringing the children up”. At its simplest, it could mean giving the financial support necessary to provide a home, food and clothes amd making sure the child is safe and receives an adequate education. This would be the basic definition.
There is, however, another posible way of defining that part of the quotation. That would say it is not jusst the father’s responsibility to provide the basics for his children, while his wife involve herself in the everyday activity of bringing them up. Rather, he shoud share those daily duties, spend as much time as his job allows with his children, play with them, read to them, help directly with their education, participate very fully in their lives and encourage them to share his.
It is this second, fuller, concept of “fatherhood” that I am in favour of, although I also realise how difficult it is to achieve sometimes. The economics and employment situation in many countries means that jobs are getting more, not less, stressful, requiring long hours and perhaps long journeys to work as well. Therefore it may remain for many a decisive ideal rather than an achievable reality.
Bài tập 7 (2 words)
“Prevention is better than cure”
Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment spending on health education and preventative measures.
- Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure. That is why , in recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favor of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures. The argument is that ignorance of, for example, basic hygiene or the dangers of an unhealthy diet or longer-term education.
Obviously, there is a strong human argument for catching any medical condition as early as possible. There is also an economic argument for doing so. Statistics demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of treating a condition in the early stages, rather than delaying until more expensive and prolonged treatment is neccessary. Then there are social or economic costs, perhaps in terms of loss of earnings for the family concerned or unemployed benefit pàid by the state.
So far so good, but the difficulties start when we try to define what the “proportion” of the budget should be, particularly if the funds will bê “diverted from treatment”. Decisions on exactly how much of the total health budget shuld be spent in this way are not the matter for the non-specialist, but should be made on the basis of an accepted health service model.
This is the point at which real problems occur- the formulation of the model. How do we accurately measure which health education campaignes are effective in both medical and financial terms? How do we agree about the medical efficacy of various screening programmes, for example, when the medical establishment itself does not agree? A very rigorous process of evaluation is called for, so that we can make informed decisions.
Bài tập 8
The position of women in society has changed markedly in the last twenty years. Many of the problems young people nơ experience, such as juvenile delinquency, arise from the fact that many married women now work and are not at home to care for their children.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
- It is very understandable that some governments should start looking at ways of limiting their populations to a sustainable figure. In the past, populations were partly regulated by frequent war and widespread disease, but in recent years the effects of those factors have been diminished. Countries can be faced with a population that is growing much faster than the nation’s food resources or employment opportunities and whose members can be condemned to poverty by the need to feeed extra mouths. They identify population control as a means to raising living standards.
But how should it be achieved? Clearly, this whole area is a very delicate personal and cultural issue. Many people feel that this is not a matter for the state. They feel this is one area of life where they have the right to make decisions for themselves. For that reason, it would seem that the best approach would be to work by persuasion rather than compulsion. This could be done by a process of education that points out the way a smaller family can mean an improved quality of life for the family members, as well as less strain on the country’s, perhaps very limited, resources.
This is the preferred way. Of course, if this does not succeed within a reasonable time scale, it may be necessary to consider other measures, such as tax incentives or child-benefit payments for small families only. These are midway between persuasion and compulsion.
So, yes, it is sometimes necessary, but governments should try very hard to persuade first. They should also remember that this is a very delicate area indeed and that social engineering can create as many problems as it solves.
Kết quả khi thực hiện giải pháp: học sinh có kỹ năng biên tập, diễn đạt nhuần nhuyễn logic, nâng cao ý thức chọn lựa từ vựng và cấu trúc phù hợp với yêu cầu của bài viết
- Kết quả khi thực hiện giải pháp: học sinh có kỹ năng biên tập, diễn đạt nhuần nhuyễn logic, nâng cao ý thức chọn lựa từ vựng và cấu trúc phù hợp với yêu cầu của bài viết
a. Thuyết minh về phạm vi áp dụng sáng kiến: học sinh đội tuyển quốc gia môn tiếng Anh, có thể áp dụng ôn thi học sinh giỏi tỉnh, học sinh luyện thi IELTS
b. Thuyết minh về lợi ích kinh tế, xã hội của sáng kiến:
- Thay đổi nhận thức của học sinh trong việc lựa chọn việc dùng từ, cấu trúc câu có chọn lọc hơn, mang tính học thuật cao
- Tạo tiền đề cho học sinh tự tin ở kỹ năng viết trong các kỳ thi
- Học sinh có bảng sưu tập các từ vựng theo từng chủ đề, từng cấp độ để có thể áp dụng linh hoạt trong các bài viết khác nhau
* Cam kết: Chúng tôi cam đoan những điều khai trên đây là đúng sự thật và không sao chép hoặc vi phạm bản quyền.
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2. Gadner,R.C. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. The Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London:Edvard Amold. 1998.
3. Oshima.A. Writing academic English. Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 2000
4. Harmer,J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman. 1991.
5. Harmer,J. How to teach English. Harlow, Uk: Longman. 1998.
6. Hedge,T. Teaching and Learning in Language Classroom. Oxford:OUP. 2000
7. Mahon,D. Intermediate Skills: focusing on Reading Rate Development. New York: Holt. 1986
8. Nuttal,C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. Oxford. Heinemann, 2000. 
9. Slopskey,B. Conditions for Second Language Learning. London: Edvard Amold.1992
10. Wallace, M.J. Reading. Oxford University Press. 1993
11. Vương Ngọc Tây. Writing Strategies for the IELTS Tests. Beijing Language and Culture University Press. 2015
12. Wang Hong Xia. 15 Days Practice for IELTS Writing. Nhà xuất bản tổng hợp thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. 2011
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